5. Data Economy Congress
The cost of participation is:
2nd Pool
(after 06.03.2025):
3495 zł + 23% VAT
5. Data Economy Congress
+ Data Economy Night
The cost of participation is:
2nd Pool
(after 06.03.2025):
5990 zł + 23% VAT
Data Economy Night
The cost of participation is:
2nd Pool
(after 06.03.2025):
2995 zł + 23% VAT
[cenabox2 cena=”2995 zł” data=”2023-15-09 23:59:59″ dataod=”2023-12-07 23:59:59″]
[cenabox2 cena=”3495 zł” data=”2023-16-09 23:59:59″ dataod=”2023-16-09 00:00:00″]
Podane ceny są kwotami netto, do których trzeba doliczyć 23% VAT.
do 15.09.2023*
[cenabox cena=”2995 zł” data=”2023-09-15 23:59:59″ dataod=”2023-09-15 23:59:59″]
[cenabox cena=”3495 zł” data=”2023-09-15 23:59:59″ dataod=”2023-16-09 00:00:00″]
II Pula
po 15.09.2023*
[cenabox cena=”3495 zł” data=”2023-09-15 23:59:59″ dataod=”2023-09-15 23:59:59″]
[cenabox cena=”3495 zł” data=”2023-09-15 23:59:59″ dataod=”2023-16-09 00:00:00″]
[cenabox cena=”2995 zł” data=”2023-03-09 23:59:59″ dataod=””]
[cenabox cena=”3495 zł” data=”2023-03-09 23:59:59″ dataod=”2023-03-10 00:00:00″]
[cenabox cena=”1995 zł” data=”2023-03-09 23:59:59″ dataod=””]
[cenabox cena=”2495 zł” data=”2023-03-09 23:59:59″ dataod=”2023-03-10 00:00:00″]
[cenabox cena=”2995 zł” data=”2022-12-28 23:59:59″ dataod=””]
[cenabox cena=”3495 zł” data=”2022-12-28 23:59:59″ dataod=”2022-12-29 00:00:00″]
3. Data Economy Congress
The cost of participation is:
2nd Pool
(after 22.02.2024):
3495 PLN + 23% VAT
3. Data Economy Congress
+ Data Economy Night
The cost of participation is:
2nd Pool
(after 22.02.2024):
5990 PLN + 23% VAT
Data Economy Night
The cost of participation is:
2nd Pool
(after 22.02.2024):
2995 PLN + 23% VAT
Data Economy Innovators Awards Competition
The deadline for submitting applications
4. Data Economy Congress
The cost of participation is:
1st Poll / until 12.09.2024*
2995 PLN + 23% VAT
2nd Pula / after 12.09.2024*
3495 PLN + 23% VAT
join to the group of participants

Tłumaczenie symultaniczne podczas całego wydarzenia w językach PL&EN*

Po wypełnieniu formularza rejestracyjnego otrzymasz na swój adres mailowy fakturę pro forma, którą należy opłacić w ciągu 7 dni.

The conference ticket includes access to:
speakers’ speeches, partners zone, coffee breaks and lunches, post-conference materials (presentations in PDF format).

Attention! We provide simultaneous translation during the entire event in PL&EN

After completing the registration form, you will receive a pro forma invoice to your e-mail address, enabling you to pay for the tickets.

A VAT invoice is issued after receipt of payment or after the event. You can get it in paper or electronic version. You can get it in paper or electronic version.

A VAT invoice is issued after receipt of payment or after the event. You can get it in paper or electronic version. Możesz ją otrzymać w wersji papierowej albo elektronicznej na adres mailowy.
* or until the pool of tickets is exhausted